To talk about Marketing and why it is important to have a clear strategy when you have a company, business or venture, it is important that you know what it means as a concept, what its importance is and what types it is divided into. Entrepreneurial tip: it is relevant that you update frequently about the most used types of marketing, this is because this way you will understand how your allies and competition approach the market.

What is marketing
According to the vision of one of the great thinkers of modern management, Philip Kotler, marketing is a business function that seeks to identify unsatisfied needs and wants. Although it is believed that Marketing, like that identification action, has its origin at the beginning of civilization and the invention of commerce, it can be said that its formal birth begins after the Second World War, where as a consequence of the expansion of markets and the growth of competition, the need arose to better understand the scenario in which companies acted; This is how it emerged, in the search to attract customers for companies and increase sales of products or contracting services. So, in general, we could say that Marketing as a name or concept is quite current. But as a practice, this search to understand the needs to better offer goods and services is quite old.
Importance of Marketing
Marketing becomes the strategy used by companies, businesses and ventures to: define the way in which their products and services will be offered, as well as to modify them taking into account the existing needs in the market. In other words, marketing helps you understand, control and improve the offer of your company or business, taking into account what your customers want, in order to consolidate sales.
Types of Marketing
Marketing Service
As the name already says, it is the marketing practiced by companies that offer services. This type addresses both the fundamental 4Ps and four other elements: quality, people, profile and processes.
Relational marketing
It is the marketing carried out with the aim of creating a good relationship with customers and also with prospects. It is important that all companies understand the need to use it in order to attract and retain customers.
Strategic marketing
This quality of marketing used by the top executives of a company when they create a marketing plan. As its name says, all the actions carried out seek to generate a marketing strategy taking into account the objectives of the company.
Digital marketing
This marketing is new for companies. Even as a young form, it has already shown that it is indispensable for a company’s brands, products and services. This marketing seeks to offer adequate tools, techniques and ways to ensure the web presence of companies and enhance their success in the market. I hope this article has helped you understand what marketing is and its types. Finally, I invite you to reflect on its importance for the survival of organizations, companies, businesses and ventures.