Difference between a credit card and a debit card?

What is the difference between a credit card and a debit card? Credit vs Debit Cards: An Overview Credit and debit cards often look almost identical, with a 16-digit card number, expiration date, and personal identification number (PIN). Both make shopping in a store or online simple and convenient, butRead More →

Who invented the World First bank card?

Who invented the bank card? Bank cards originated in the United States in 1915. It is said that one day, a businessman in the United States, McNamara, dined at a restaurant in New York. After eating, he found that he forgot to take his wallet with him, so he wasRead More →

prepaid card

If you think of a virtual purse, the prepaid or reloadable card works in a similar way, like a purse where you can put money and spend it later. They are safe and easy-to-use tools and do not require the opening of a current account, allowing greater monitoring of theRead More →