Industry: Financial Company
Headquarters: New York, NY 10022 , USA
About Hiscox Business Insurance
Our companies in the US include Hiscox Insurance Company Inc., and its general agent, Hiscox Inc. Hiscox Insurance Company Inc. is a Chicago, IL domiciled insurer admitted or licensed to do business in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Hiscox Insurance Company Inc. is rated A (Excellent)¹ by A.M. Best with a group financial size category (FSC) of XV ($2 Billion or greater), proving we have strong capital reserves.
Hiscox Inc., a DE corporation that does business in California as Hiscox Insurance Agency, is an approved Lloyd’s cover holder and underwrites surplus lines business on behalf of Lloyd’s Syndicates 33 and 3624. Syndicate 33 is rated A (Excellent)² by A.M. Best.
Hiscox Business Insurance Contact Details
Address: 520 Madison Avenue
32nd Floor
New York, NY 10022, United States
Website: hiscox.com
Hiscox Business Insurance Phone Number